Frequently Asked Questions

What makes Paw House different from other dog boarding facilities?

Unlike most other dog daycare and boarding facilities, Paw House allows your pup to have free reins of our facility, allowing them to live their best life! We have 4 different areas where your dog can enjoy their time.

We also believe in complete transparency and will honestly tell you the behavior of your pup whilst in our care.

When are you around?

There is Paw House staff on premises 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Paw House is open for business from 8am to 7pm daily.

Health and Safety Information

Your dog is at an increased risk of catching communicable canine ailments when socializing with other dogs. We are diligent in minimizing health and safety risks, but it’s important for clients to understand some of the inherent risks. It is important to remember that dogs can be contagious even if they are not showing any clinical signs of being sick which is one of the reasons these diseases can spread so quickly. At checkin we inspect all of our new guests for ticks and flees to ensure a safe environment. At Paw House we require all dogs to be vaccinated for their safety and the safety of others. We require the following vaccinations:

Does my dog needs to be neutered?

No, we accept all dogs, however we may adjust their schedule and placement to ensure that no puppies are conceived at Paw House! 

My female dog is in heat. Can she stay?

Yes. A female in heat tends to stress out the boys, so she will be separated from the pack and spend more time with human company. 

Does my dog need to pass an assessment in order to stay at Paw House?

When you first check in to Paw House, our staff goes through some basic info that will help us know what your dog's likes and dislikes are. Then, while you are watching through a window, we introduce your pup to a few other like-minded pups, and see how they interact. Now…they are officially in the know! Watch the fun begin! This process can be fast or slow, all at a pace our new guest is most comfortable with.

How about giving my dog their medicine?

Sure! Paw House staff will give your pup their meds to keep them in tip top shape at no extra charge. Just ensure the instructions are well written.

What happens if my dog gets sick or has an accident at Paw House?

We closely monitor the health of every dog and will notify the owner if we notice anything different. We do emphasize that whilst we take the upmost precaution, accidents can happen at a dog daycare and boarding facility, which is a risk the owner needs to be aware of. Our standard policy is to make every effort to contact you. We will seek medical attention, when necessary, first from our regular veterinarian next door, then from a trusted local veterinarian or twenty-four hour Vet Hospital. We will continually attempt to contact you and your emergency contacts with updates. Please make sure that your contact information is current and correct.  

How old does my dog need to be?

We accept dogs from 6 months into our normal daycare and boarding programs. Although we do not have an age cap, some senior dogs (especially those with preexisting health conditions) may not do well in a daycare or hotel environment and if we feel that the hotel or daycare may cause a health concern for your senior dog we will discuss this with you on a case by case basis, if your dog is 12 years of age or older please ensure to inform us in advanced. 

What shall my dog bring for their stay?

A boarding dog may their leash, food, and favorite snacks! All other personal items should be left at home. Please do not bring anything valuable because sometimes items could be damaged or lost.

Please bring enough food for your dogs stay in pre-portioned amounts for each feeding.  We also offer over a gourmet Dogster food at 50 baht per meal.

Can I bring my dog's bed and blanket?

We have lots of comfortable beds here at Paw House, so please don't bring your dogs bed as accidents do happen!

Where does my dog sleep?

Each dog has his or her own private sleeping quarters overnight. We are staffed 24 hours a day, so your dog is never alone.

What will my dog be doing while they stay at Paw House?

For our boarding dogs, the day begins around 6:00am when we let them out of their bedrooms to relieve themselves in the garden whilst we prepare their breakfast. After breakfast we take the dogs on different rounds of walks to get their daily sniffs in. In the afternoon it's completely up to your pup what they want to do, if they want to play they get to play, if they want to find a quiet corner and snooze away, by all means! We have staff present at all times to attend to the wishes of the dogs. Depending on how busy we are, we might take the dogs on a shorter walk in the late afternoon before they get their dinner around 6:30pm. After dinner we let all the dogs our for another hour or two, before putting them to bed around 8:00pm. After a full day of playing and being surrounded by other dogs, most of our pups are more than ready for a good nights rest!

Can I visit my dog while they are boarding or have a look at the facilities?

We prioritize the wellbeing of the dogs in our care and therefore do no allow visitors inside. Some dogs have anxiety around new humans, whilst others might get too excited which can cause fights. We welcome visitors to have a look through the window. If you are boarding your dog and would like to see them, we will be happy to take them out of our facility for you to see them.

What do I need to make a reservation?

We require all of our customers to complete the registration form before arrival. This is to ensure we are aware of any allergies, behaviors, preferences, and also have the owners contact information. We also ask that the vaccination records are sent to our line account @pawhouse. Once registration is complete you can reach out to us on line to make a reservation.